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Care Agency Formations

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We will set up your Care Staffing Agency in one week

Care Agency Formations is a trading name of Certified Accountants Ltd, a firm of professional accountants and tax advisors operating in England and Wales with registered company number 07893838. Our services include company secretarial and business formation, and we have devoted this website for the formation of Care Staffing Agencies and General Recruitment Agencies.

Having successfully set up a couple of care stafffing agencies in the UK before launching this website, we thought it worthwhile to devote this site to helping individuals like yourself we are seeking to form their own care staffing agency or general recruitment agency. We provide a package which include the following:

Our Package

(1)   Register your agency as a limited company with Companies House
(2)   Register your agency with HM Revenue and Customs
(3)   Register your agency for PAYE (Payroll) for your staff wages
(4)   Register your agency for VAT if (applicable or desired)
(5)   Provide a domain name, build and host a website for your agency.
(6)   Create custom Email accounts for your agency (eg.
(7)   Design a company Logo for your agency
(8)   Design business card for your agency and include 500 copies
(9)   Design letterhead for your agency and include 250 copies
(10) Design a flyer for your agency and include 500 copies
(11) Design a Staff Profile Template for your agency in an editable
(12) Design a Timesheet Template for your agency in editable and pdf formats
(13) Design an Invoice Template for your agency in editable and pdf formats
(14) Design a Price List Template for your agency in editable and pdf formats
(15) Design a Receipt Template for your agency in editable and pdf formats
(16) Design Staff ID Badge Template for your agency
(17) Design Employment Application form and upload it to your agency website
(18) Provide a Contract Template for your agency in editable format

In fact, we take care of all the hard work to get your care staffing agency or general recruitment agency set up and ready to start operating in as little as one week. Our package above all goes for a total price of £2,500(No VAT is applied. You pay exactly £2,500). We start working on your agency the very day you make the payment and we promise to complete all the package in one week; yes, just one week.

Our Vision is to be come one of the top healthcare staffing agency specialists in the United Kingdom helping healthcare entrepreneurs set up their business with no hussle. With our team of expert designers and accountants coupled with our passion for excellence and a can-do attitude, we aspire realise our vision in the not-too-distant future.

We pledge to complete your project and get your agency ready to go in one week, provided you provide us all needed information without delay. Our phylosophy is to aim to exceed our clients' expectations as we believe that is the best way way to keep our clients' custom and attract new ones.

accountants in London and Barking 0208-226-4933 accountants in London and Barking

Manual Handling

As an employer, you must protect your workers from the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling in the workplace. Manual handling means transporting or supporting a load by hand or bodily force. It includes lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving loads. A load can be an object, person or animal. The law sets out how employers must deal with risks from manual handling:

(*) avoid hazardous manual handling, so far as is reasonably practicable

(*) assess the risk of injury from any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided

(*) reduce the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling to as low as reasonably practicable

The weight of a load is important, though the law does not set specific weight limits. In some cases, you must provide information about the weight and position of the centre of gravity of each load, if there is a risk of injury and it is reasonably practicable to do this.

Avoid hazardous manual handling

You can avoid hazardous manual handling operations by:

(*) redesigning the task to avoid moving the load

(*) automating or mechanising the process

The best time to decide about mechanisation or automation is when you design plant or work systems. Design the layout of a process so there is very little movement of materials. Consider introducing, for example, a conveyor, a chute, a pallet truck, an electric or hand-powered hoist, or a lift truck to reduce the risk of harm. Mechanical aids can also help reduce or eliminate risks from manual handling.

Assess manual handling you can't avoid

Assess the risk of injury from any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided. You should consider the task, the load, the working environment and individual capability, for example:

(*) the postures adopted

(*) how far the load is lifted, lowered or carried

(*) the frequency of the task

(*) the weight of the load

(*) the nature of the load (for example hot, sharp or slippery)

(*) cramped work areas

(*) poor floor surfaces

(*) poor lighting, extremes of temperature

(*) workers' strength, fitness and underlying medical conditions (for example a history of back problems)

Also, look out for:

(*) workers breathing heavily and sweating

(*) workers who complain of excessive fatigue

(*) reluctance to do a particular task

(*) the availability of equipment to help with the lift

Choose the right level of assessment for each task

Some tasks are low risk and don't need formal assessment. There are simple filters to help you distinguish low-risk tasks from those which need a more detailed assessment. We also have risk assessment tools to help you identify high-risk handling operations and prioritise action to control the risks:

(*) the Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC) tool for lifting, carrying and team handling

(*) the Variable Manual handling Assessment Chart (V-MAC) tool to help assess complex manual handling operations where load weights vary

(*) the Risk Assessment of Pushing and Pulling (RAPP) tool

(*) the Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART) tool if the task involves repetitive work using the upper limbs

Our detailed checklists can help you assess the more complex lifting and carrying or pushing and pulling operations.

Reduce the risk of injury

Measures to control risk will vary depending on the task. Reduce the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling operations you can't avoid. Where possible, provide mechanical help, for example a sack trolley or hoist. Where this is not reasonably practicable, explore changes to the task, the load and the working environment. If manual lifting is the only option then there are things you can do to reduce the risk, including:

(*) make the load smaller or lighter and easier to grasp

(*) break up large consignments into smaller loads

(*) modify the workplace to reduce carrying distances, twisting movements, or the need to lift things from floor level or above shoulder height

(*) change the work routine to avoid excessive work rates and tight deadlines

(*) improve the environment: more space, better flooring, extra lighting or changing the air temperature can make manual handling easier and safer

(*) make sure the person doing the lifting has been trained to lift as safely as possible

There is more information on manual handling risks and how to control them in our leaflet about manual handling.


Training can be important in raising awareness and reducing risk, but it won't ensure safe manual handling on its own. You should first design the manual handling operations to be as safe as reasonably practicable. You should also monitor and review procedures to make sure workers understand and apply them. Training should be relevant to the type of work carried out and should cover:

(*) manual handling risk factors and how injuries can happen

(*) how to use mechanical aids

(*) how to carry out safe manual handling, including good handling techniques

(*) systems of work relevant to the worker's tasks and environment

(*) practical work so the trainer can identify anything the trainee is not doing safely and put it right

The content of any training in good handling technique should be tailored to the tasks the workers carry out. (Source:HSE)

Care Agency Formations
Certified Accountants Ltd
Office 13, Mountview House
202-212 High Road


